The animation was created by an international group of volunteers

Jul 4, 2013 20:31 GMT  ·  By

Here's a piece of information bound to take the fun out of eating seafood: each and every year, 3 trillion animals are caught from oceans worldwide.

Needless to say, this has a devastating effect on marine ecosystems.

The video above, wittily titled “Losing Nemo,” documents the environmental impact of overfishing.

The international group of volunteers who pieced together this mini-documentary hopes that their “Losing Nemo” will educate the public about the dangers of overfishing.

“Most people are aware that the oceans aren't doing so well, but what is going on exactly? Losing Nemo' is a six-minute, 3D-animated film about the state of the oceans,” the greenheads write in the video's description on Vimeo.

Take my word for it, the animation is quite amazing and very much worth 6 minutes of your time.