The video was shot in Krueger National Park, made it online a couple of days ago

Apr 11, 2014 20:51 GMT  ·  By

I don't know about you, but I for one have to admit that, after watching this video, I am thinking about adding one more thing on my stuff-to-be-grateful-for list, and this thing is the fact that I don't have an army of lion cubs following me around and jumping on my back when I least expect it.

Don't get me wrong, I find lion cubs adorable. However, I doubt that I could handle looking after them 24/7, so, from this standpoint, it's hats off to the lioness featured in the video below.

According to Huffington Post, the footage was shot in South Africa's Krueger National Park and only made it online a couple of days ago.

It was shared with us ordinary folks by Krueger Sightings, i.e. a YouTube channel that is in the business of documenting biodiversity in this part of the world.

The video shows a bunch of young lions running around and play fighting each other, even attacking their mom on several occasions.

Despite the fact that tourists are nearby, the lion family does not appear to be bothered that it is being watched. Then again, given how cute these lion cubs look, I like to think that nobody would ever dream about harming them.