The man frightens the celebrity, but the bodyguard quickly takes control of the situation

Aug 17, 2012 06:33 GMT  ·  By

Just yesterday, whilst departing her hotel in Bucharest, Romania, Lady Gaga experienced a bit of a scare when an overly-enthusiastic Romanian fan somehow managed to make his way through the revolving door, most likely trying to get the celebrity to sign an autograph.

However, Lady Gaga's bodyguard is quick in brushing off the threat and takes down the man quicker than one would expect.

Truth be told, it seems to us that the fan didn't even notice or took into consideration the fact that it might be a bit of a challenge to get to Lady Gaga, given the fact that she was accompanied by two not-so-petite and not-so-friendly-looking bodyguards.

Naturally, people are now debating whether or not the celebrity's bodyguard was a bit too aggressive when trying to defend the singer.

Luckily for us, it was all caught on tape so you have the opportunity to see and judge for yourselves.