Karen is now the property of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus

Mar 2, 2014 02:46 GMT  ·  By

I have to give it to PETA, this time they've really outdone themselves. I don't know about you, but I for one have had my fair share of PETA campaigns over the past couple of years. Still, I dare say that this video is by far the organization's best work.

The video tells the tale of Karen, an elephant separated from its family when it was just six months old and then sold to the circus industry.

According to PETA, Karen was put in chains, abused, and made to perform in front of a seemingly endless string of people who, for some reason, enjoy such shows.

Needless to say, the elephant was severely traumatized by the experiences that it went through and would have loved nothing more than to be able to return to its home in the wild.

In case anyone was wondering, Karen is not a fictional character. On the contrary, it is a real elephant currently owned by Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.

PETA and its supporters are now trying to rescue it and send it to a sanctuary. They are asking that people help them save Karen by demanding that that Department of Agriculture in the United States step in and seize both this elephant and others that the circus presently owns.

If you want to help, head over to PETA's website and fill in a form asking Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack to confiscate all ailing animals from Ringling.