Star gets the best seats in the house, does a little dance, it goes viral

Jan 3, 2013 11:10 GMT  ·  By

For some reason that escapes me, Gwyneth Paltrow gets a lot of hate online. The video above has only made her even the more hated but, if you ask me, it should probably win her at least a handful of new fans.

Gwyneth got to ring in the New Year with Jay-Z and her husband Chris Martin of Coldplay in concert. Her two kids were also there with her, as the video can confirm.

While Jay and Chris performed “Run This Town,” Gwyneth could not help herself and busted out some moves while sipping on a glass of champagne, which some labeled “mom dance.” Others thought they were extremely funny.

However you might describe them, there’s no denying she was having a blast. I would have too – and am feeling a bit jealous right now.

Check it out.