Bathing in a matter of seconds used to be a sport, could make a comeback

Sep 7, 2012 12:49 GMT  ·  By

Of all the little things one can do to help protect the environment, taking a really quick shower rather than an incredibly long one is pretty much on top of the list.

Still, not many people know that, following the end of World War II, people actually took part in sharp showering competitions, whose winner was be person who managed to get clean the fastest.

Several greenheads now hope that, should this British sport make a comeback, ordinary folks will not hesitate in getting involved in such activities, if not out of environmental considerations, simply because it is a fun way of proving your worth without having to undergo extensive physical training.

From where we stand, this sounds like a noteworthy idea that is bound to help raise awareness regarding the need to protect our planet's water resources and provide some much appreciated entertainment.