The whale was tangled in fishing ropes, Pat and Adrian set it free

Jul 16, 2013 18:01 GMT  ·  By

A couple of days ago, two fishermen sailing off Virginia Beach's coastline rescued a northern right whale that had somehow gotten caught in some fishing ropes and was unable to swim properly.

Pat and Adrian caught the entire experience on camera. Check it out in the video above.

Adrian, who swam close to the whale and freed it, admits that, at first, he was a tad reluctant to approach the marine mammal.

He says that, when he first caught sight of the whale, it looked as if a submarine were coming towards him.

Luckily for the animal, Adrian soon got over his fear and managed to get close enough to cut off the fishing gear the whale was entangled in.

“It was kind of scary at first, but it was real trippy. As soon as the whale caught up past me and I was parallel to its face and eye, it kind of stopped, which was a trip. He kind of gave me a little window to get down there [to the tangled rope],” Adrian recollects.