It's unlikely the baby dolphin would have survived if it weren't for the fishermen

Nov 19, 2013 14:46 GMT  ·  By

Fishermen are often blamed for the fact that their nets kill thousands of sharks, dolphins, whales, turtles and whatnot yearly. Still, it's not like these people want this to happen.

On the contrary, some of them are ready and willing to help marine animals in distress whenever they chance to come across them.

The video above was shot in Brazil, in the waters off the coast of São Paulo.

The fishermen featured in it were just minding their own business when they saw this little dolphin calf struggling to free itself from a plastic bag it had become entangled in, and rushed to its rescue.

They pulled the baby dolphin aboard, and freed it. After that, they allowed it to go back to its home in the ocean.

Almost immediately after it hit the water, the dolphin calf jumped as high as it could. Both the fishermen and some of the people who have watched the video believe the it did so to express its gratitude.