New summer blockbuster hypothesizes the biggest attack on America ever

Mar 27, 2013 14:42 GMT  ·  By

With “Independence Day” and “2012” under his belt, I guess you could call director Roland Emmerich a serial White House destroyer. He’s going to do it again this summer in “White House Down,” which just got a first official trailer.

Check it out above in full and I’ll fill in the gaps.

Suffice it to say though that, right now, movie buffs online are referring to the film as “Die Hard in the White House” and I don’t think I really need to explain why is that.

Even John McClane’s wifebeater has been recycled!

Channing Tatum plays a former Secret Service agent who happens to take his daughter on a visit to the White House precisely on the day when a group of terrorists decide to attack it, in the hope of bringing America down.

Jamie Foxx plays the president.

“White House Down” comes with the tagline “It started just like any other day,” and will be out on June 26. My guess is The Tatum will save the day though.