The video was shot at a zoo in Germany this past Wednesday

Dec 13, 2013 12:34 GMT  ·  By

Just two days ago, a polar bear living at Hellabrunn Zoo in Munich, Germany delivered a set of twins. The event was caught on camera, and the video is available above.

Interestingly enough, word has it that this is the first ever color video that shows a polar bear mom delivering its offspring.

According to the footage's description on YouTube, the cubs were born about a quarter of an hour apart.

Despite the fact that the polar bear mom seems quite in control of the situation and at ease, it appears that the birth was by no means a walk in the park.

Thus, the contractions were so strong at one point that the mother bear started biting her own paw. Luckily, things turned out all right in the end.

The female polar bear featured in this video is seven years old, and its name is Giovanna. For the time being, keepers at Hellabrunn Zoo are unable to say whether she gave birth to boys, girls or one of each.