This is the last episode of the web series, so take a look at how it all ends

Nov 28, 2013 02:11 GMT  ·  By

Trend Micro has released the last episode of the 2020 web series. Episode 9 is almost 8 minutes long and it’s called “Curiosity’s Claws.”

The episode starts by showing how Yanek, the man who hired a hacktivist to develop the malware used to take down The Switch, was killed.

As authorities start tracking the individual who killed Yanek, they realize that it’s a woman with a fake profile that has a history dating back decades. They realize that she has booked a flight to leave South Sylvania, so they rush to cut her off.

As police close in to arrest her, they make a shocking discovery. Check out this episode to see how the series ends and what happens in South Sylvania after The Switch goes back online.