The message was recorded by the school's principal and a drama teacher

Feb 5, 2014 21:31 GMT  ·  By

After learning that, due to cold weather and snowfall, the Stephens Elementary School in the US was to temporarily close (yet again), principal Jim Detwiler and drama teacher Chad Caddell decided that it might be fun to break the news to parents at home by singing.

So they took Queen's “Bohemian Rhapsody” and replaced the original lyrics with others that they themselves created. The resulting message, available in the video above, was nothing short of epic.

As detailed in the video's description on YouTube, the school's principal and the drama teacher merely wanted to make parents laugh.

Not only did they achieve the goal that they set for themselves, but they also managed to make thousands of other people giggle.

Thus, since being shared online until now, Jim Detwiler's and Chad Caddell's message about school being closed has been viewed over 847,000 times.

If you're looking to have some fun, take one minute to check it out, maybe even share your thoughts on it in the comments section below.