Midttrafik promises public transportation will deliver the best traveling experience

Sep 13, 2012 14:32 GMT  ·  By

With a soundtrack pretty much ripped off Frodo's journey to Mordor, this commercial is meant to convince people that taking the bus is the best option they have when it comes to getting from one place to another, both from an environmental standpoint and as far as personal comfort is concerned.

Granted, we can't really figure out what it is that the person narrating this video is saying (except for the "Ja, cool" part), but it seems to us that the simple act of traveling by bus is made to sound like some sort of an epic journey.

From a strictly environmental point of view, having more people opt for public transportation is indeed bound to yield some major benefits as far as reducing pollution levels is concerned, yet it seems to us that this commercial is a tad far-fetched.