It's like the science fiction version of Tango & Cash

Oct 9, 2014 07:54 GMT  ·  By

If you think that The Vault of Glass is hard, you need only look at a video of two people casually breezing through it to realize just how far behind you are in terms of skills. Although, to be fair, so is almost everyone.

Developer Bungie released its science fiction shooter a month ago, after a lengthy hype-building campaign which saw advertisements for the game plastering many popular locations around the world, such as the renowned Times Square, which was decorated with Guardians several times.

It proved to be immensely popular, in spite of its many shortcomings, with many people believing that Bungie and Activision simply wanted to make something too big, and failed to deliver a compelling experience from the get-go.

In any case, the game has a lot of extra content planned over the course of the next few years, so the experience is bound to get better and better on every front, including more variety in terms of what can be done aside from shooting aliens in the face.

Many Destiny players have "challenge accepted" as their mantra

Destiny's first raid content, the Vault of Glass, was completed around ten hours after release, by one of the many teams impatiently waiting at the door, and soon after by many other skilled players who embarked on veritable virtual marathons, unyielding and unrelenting until the final boss was downed.

Ever since then, people have been trying to outdo each other in order to get immortalized in the online multiplayer first-person shooter's hall of fame for various other feats, such as doing a tour de force and finishing the content with a team of only three players, which is half the normal requirement of six.

Today we see a two-man team taking things to a whole new level, showing some incredible mastery of the game and perfect knowledge of the raid's mechanics. Granted, they had help from a friend in a section that required at least three Guardians to be present, but they did all the rest with just 33 percent of the usual firepower, and succeeded.

However, you need not feel bad if you're still struggling with the content. The two players, wearing the in-game tags of Slayerage and Furball, mention in the video's description that "this took a lot of practice and teamwork, and let's be honest, skill and time."

More and more people are pulling off impressive feats

Such displays of skill and determination are commonplace in all manner of video games, and it's part of what makes the hobby so great.

Other samples of this are a video showing a player pull off some incredible triple-jumps in order to gain access to an incomplete area from a future expansion, set on Venus, or the many PvP excellence videos that have popped up all over YouTube.

Destiny is available on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One home consoles, and its first expansion, titled The Dark Below, is scheduled to come out this December, and the second one, named House of Wolves, set for release sometime next year.