Visitors to the San Diego Zoo were delighted to see Xiao Liwu move about its enclosure

Jan 11, 2013 13:51 GMT  ·  By

The time has now come for Xiao Liwu, a baby panda born and raised at San Diego Zoo, to make its public debut. Up until now, people had to settle for only watching videos of this baby panda.

However, they can now see it “in person,” as the staff at the San Diego Zoo has finally agreed to put it on display for two hours per day.

As the video above shows, the five-month-old baby panda still has a thing or two to learn about keeping its balance. However, it simply refuses to let that get in the way of playing with its mother or exploring its surroundings.

The zoo expects that, this coming weekend, hundreds of people will come to make Xiao Liwu's acquaintance.

The cub's name means “little gift,” and there is no denying that it more than suits the baby panda.