The dolphin calf was captured by fishermen in Taiji earlier this year

Mar 10, 2014 15:35 GMT  ·  By

Earlier this year, green group Sea Shepherd announced that fishermen in Taiji, Japan had captured an albino dolphin calf and had taken it to the Taiji Whale Museum in order to eventually sell it.

Ric O'Barry, the founder of the Dolphin Project, has recently had the chance to visit Japan, and he has even managed to film the albino dolphin calf by posing as a tourist.

According to Ecorazzi, the albino dolphin calf, named Angel, is still alive. It has not lost very much weight and appears to be in good health.

However, Ric O'Barry suspects that the chlorine present in the water in its tank is upsetting its eyes, which is why the marine mammal often keeps them closed.

Besides, the conservationist argues that Angel is forced to share a tank with other dolphins, some of which appear to be harassing it on a regular basis.

“She never initiates contact with any of the others. She seems to avoid them, but that is almost impossible in the small space she is forced to live in.”

“She can’t seem to find any peace in this abusive environment,” Ric O'Barry reportedly said in a statement.

You can help Angel by sending a letter to Shinzo Abe, Japan's current prime minister, and asking him to free the albino dolphin calf and outlaw Taiji's yearly dolphin hunts.