These animals behave as if they had superpowers, some say

May 29, 2013 19:01 GMT  ·  By

When it comes to staying alive, there are only two options: fight or flight. When you put it like that, it all sounds a bit boring.

The good news is that, as the video above clearly proves, some choose to fight or run for their lives in pretty amazing ways.

The video introduces us to eight rather quirky animals and their stunning defense mechanisms.

I for one have to admit that, as cool at the hagfish, the mimic octopus and the boxer crab might be, it was the hairy frog that really made me gawk in admiration.

Unfortunately, some of the animals featured in this video are currently in danger of becoming extinct.

This is because their defense mechanisms can indeed protect them against all sorts of predators, but can't keep them safe from habitat destruction, pollution and hunting.