All of Spider-Man's secrets will be revealed on July 3, in 3D, extended trailer promises

May 15, 2012 11:24 GMT  ·  By

As promised some time ago, Sony is taking the art of trailer-making up a notch, with the release of a brand new, extended trailer for its upcoming summer blockbuster, “The Amazing Spider-Man.”

You can see it in full and in HD above.

The 4-minute preview dropped on the season premiere of America's Got Talent and must have certainly pleased comic book fans, since it's the most comprehensive look they've had at the film so far.

By the looks of it, Spidey will regain his humor from the early comic books, but also some of the humanity that seemed to be lost in the third Spider-Man film starring Tobey Maguire.

“The Amazing Spider-Man” feels more in touch with its origins and, at the same time, darker and edgier.

“The Amazing Spider-Man” will be out in 3D on July 3.