Warners is catching up to Marvel, has everything sorted out at last

Jun 13, 2014 09:35 GMT  ·  By
“Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice” will mark the beginning of a 2-year stretch in which Warners will release 7 DC Comics movies
   “Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice” will mark the beginning of a 2-year stretch in which Warners will release 7 DC Comics movies

Warner Bros. is way behind Marvel in what concerns big screen adaptations of comic books properties but, if Nikki Finke is even remotely right with this, it will be catching up very soon because it has no less than 7 DC Comics movies coming out over a period of just 2 years.

Finke, who always has the best scoop on movies, says that, at the upcoming edition of Comic-Con in San Diego, Warners will be making an announcement that will thrill fans of comic books, because they will finally be ready to launch their own “Avengers”-type of universe.

So, the upcoming “Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice,” which has been confirmed for release in May 2016, isn’t really the sequel to Zack Snyder’s “Man of Steel.” That first Superman movie was what “Captain America: The First Avenger” was to the first “Avengers” movie from Marvel, so “Dawn of Justice” will actually launch this brand new comics-based universe through the introduction of several major characters.

Once this movie is out, Warners will be releasing more superhero movies than you probably expected in your wildest dreams. Wonder Woman will also – finally! – be getting her standalone pic. This is how Finke says the studio has everything planned out:

May 2016 – “Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice” July 2016 – “Shazam” (aka Captain Marvel) Xmas 2016 – “Sandman” (with Joseph Gordon-Levitt) May 2017 – “Justice League” July 2017 – “Wonder Woman” Xmas 2017 – Flash and Green Lantern team-up May 2018 – “Man Of Steel 2”

“Like Marvel’s The Avengers, there will be cameos of superheroes for future installments. The cameos will include the already known Cyborg and Flash. Green Lantern [not played by Ryan Reynolds, thank god] may be introduced. And Aquaman will be seen in the Justice League movie,” Finke writes.

She claims that negotiations for all major roles were problematic, which is why Warner Bros. has been postponing the announcement for so long, but they’re confident everything will be in place by July, when San Diego Comic-Con kicks off.

Useless to say, we’ll see then if there was any truth to the report.

Worst case scenario (which would still be pretty awesome for fans), Warners will only reveal a bit more about “Batman V. Superman” on that occasion. We’ve already had a first look at Ben Affleck’s Batsuit and Batmobile, and we have had plenty of teasers from Snyder about how this movie is going to be “epic.”

It might be too soon to expect actual footage to be shown at the panel, but we might as well get some new pics or at least some details on the plot of the movie. San Diego Comic-Con is simply too huge an event for Warner Bros. to miss the chance to promote the film, so we’re getting something new no matter what.