Just wait for the next patch

Jan 20, 2009 09:45 GMT  ·  By

The people over at Mythic Entertainment, who are developing Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, the MMO published by Electronic Arts, are hinting that their next patch 1.1.1 will include a lot of new content, part of which appears to consist of a new playable class, that of Dwarf Slayer.

The Keen and Graev gaming blog received a mysterious package from Mythic, containing a hair cutting machine and a set of hair dye in a very orange color, which were accompanied by a little note saying that, on January 29, interesting things would be happening in Warhammer Online.

It's diffcult to guess what a developer wants you to believe when it sends such a package, but the gaming community is resourceful and crowd sourcing was successfully applied to the subject. Initially, most thought that the package hinted at the fact that players would be getting a chance to fully customize the look of their characters when the new patch got implemented.

Another opinion, which seems to be gaining traction, says that Mythic is planning to include the Dwarf Slayer class to the MMO, a class designed by orange dyed bears and Mohawks. The Dwarf Slayer is a fellow once humiliated and now basically seeking to die taking as many enemies as possible with him. The new class is likely to be offensive and damage oriented.

The upcoming patch for Warhammer Online is also set to receive a new gameplay mechanic called Zone Domination, designed to enhance the experience of capturing objectives in realm versus realm modes of play. Game producer Jeff Hickman has talked about it saying that it is a “supplemental way of capturing zones... if you can capture every keep and hold it, you have a very good chance of capturing that zone.”

Players will see exactly what patch 1.1.1 for Warhammer Online is all about when Mythic releases it.