After the preview, here comes the full version

Oct 30, 2006 15:17 GMT  ·  By

The real-time tactics game from Namco, Warhammer: Mark of Chaos is getting closer and closer to retailers shelves. The game is scheduled for a November release in North America.

Today, Namco revealed that the game has finally gone gold as the games' developer has finalized the final adjustments on it. Warhammer: Mark of Chaos is the third real-time tactics war-game based on the Warhammer Fantasy Battle tabletop games rules. The first two were Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat released back in 1995 and Warhammer: Dark Omen released in 1998.

Makoto Iwai, Senior Vice President of the Development Group at Namco Badai Games is very proud of Mark of Chaos and declared that this game will transport gamers into the fantasy war-torn battlefields of the legendary Warhammer universe with epic battles on enormous scale.

In Warhammer: Mark of Chaos, the focus is set squarely on the battlefield with a real-time combat system that gives the player unprecedented customization and controls over the army. The game centers on the armies and battles while de-emphasizing aspects of base and resource management.