The upcoming content update has a lot in store for us

Mar 9, 2015 15:50 GMT  ·  By

Warframe developers Digital Extremes have just dropped another gorgeous trailer for the game, showing off some of the new areas you'll be able to explore and the new moves you'll be employing while doing so.

Warframe made its debut on PC back in 2012, as a sort of third-person space ninja game. Although initially regarded as a somewhat mediocre game, the title was continually improved upon by its makers, turning it into one of the most popular multiplayer games on Steam.

Since then, the game also made its debut on the PlayStation 4 home entertainment system from Sony, and more recently on the Xbox One home console from Microsoft, and many of its systems have been completely reworked.

The free-to-play video game takes place in the far future, when a race of ancient warriors who have awoken from centuries of cryogenic sleep, the Tenno, find themselves in the middle of a three-way conflict between the forces that govern the galaxy.

Things are about to get even more rad

The Warframes are the robotic exoskeletal suits that the Tenno employ, advanced pieces of technology with incredible abilities. Those abilities are about to get a lot more exciting in the next content update, as showcased in the Tombs of the Sentient trailer, available below.

The video looks really cool and smooth, and hopefully some of that fluid motion will also make it into the actual video game. Running on walls and scaling them, hanging from cables and doing more daring acrobatics than all the members of the Cirque du Soleil while also slashing aliens with a katana is bound to be impressive, after all.

The trailer, of course, is as staged as it gets, but it looks really great, and the upcoming expansion is also setting out to deliver more content than usual.

Digital Extremes has revealed that it plans to add eight players raids instead of the usual four, high level missions designed to offer gamers the chance to get powerful gear, and a brand new Capture the Flag mode, where you have to capture a Cephalon that taunts and insults you while you drag it back to your base.

For the time being, there is no official timeline regarding the release of the content, but we'll come back with the news as soon as it becomes available.

If you want to join the speculation regarding the Sentients, you can check out the appropriate thread on the Warframe forums.

Warframe screenshots (9 Images)

Warframe is about to get a lot more interesting
Warframe looks stunningWarframe offers diverse gameplay