The job starts July 8, those interested would better hurry up and apply

May 3, 2013 11:46 GMT  ·  By

Now that summer is coming, odds are that quite a lot of people are thinking about getting a seasonal job.

Those whose eyesight serves them well and who aren't afraid of the cold can take up a position as a professional polar bear spotter.

The job is being offered by the governor's office of the Svalbard islands, located about halfway between Norway and the North Pole.

According to the job description, polar bear spotters need only ready themselves to spend a significant amount of time in the great outdoors, monitoring the landscape.

Whenever they see a polar bear, they must shout as loud as they can in order to scare off the animal and alert other people in the region.

Mother Nature Network says that the job starts this coming July 8, so those interested would do best to hurry up and apply.