Albino wallaby has brown joey, non-albino one has perfectly white offspring

Apr 12, 2013 07:32 GMT  ·  By

Under any other circumstances, some would suspect that the pictures above are a fake and that the cubs were merely made to sit with different mothers for the purpose of entertainment.

However, as the staff at the Tropical Wings Zoo in South Woodham Ferrers, Essex explain, the pictures are as true to facts at it gets.

Thus, two female wallabies living at this animal sanctuary did in fact give birth to opposite color joeys.

The albino female who now has a brown baby wallaby is named Emily, whereas the brown female who brought an albino joey into the world is named Monica.

Daily Mail quotes zoo keeper John Ray, who said that, “It is extremely rare to see two parents like this in captivity and as far as I am aware it has never been recorded in the wild.”