Visual Creation of Tables in Posts and Static Pages

Jun 26, 2008 15:49 GMT  ·  By

WYSIWYG editor allows the separation of content creation from website layout building. In case of WordPress content management system, the default WYSIWYG editor does not provide the opportunity to edit and create HTML tables in a visual manner.

When it is required to introduce or format a table in a post or a static page inside a website based on the WordPress platform, the only solution is altering the HTML source code manually if the default HTML editor is used.

The manual customization of complex tables in the HTML code could determine errors that will be reflected in the web page rendering process. In order to ensure the correct appearance of the web page containing tables in any web browser, visual HTML editing solutions must be implemented into your WordPress content management system.

There are available to download various plugins that provide extensive features for content production and publication using a visual environment (the HTML code is generated automatically corresponding to every new defined web page element). Certain plugins have the role to extend the features of the default WYSIWYG editor by adding extra functionalities to it like the possibility to edit or add tables, div tags, emoticons, to customize toolbar with supplementary buttons and more. Two examples in this sense are TinyMCE Advanced and WP Super Edit plugins.

On the other hand, the default WYSIWYG editor from WordPress can be replaced with another one having the capability to manage HTML tables, like Dean's FCKEditor For Wordpress. This plugin substitutes TinyMCE with FCKEditor which comes with multiple customization options and content editing features.

The tables management features offered by these plugins are still not enough to cover all users necesities. For example, in case of FCKEditor, the table cell background must be set manually because the editor does not provide such an option. Even the usage of tables in HTML is not recommended by actual standards, these plugins could help in the process of table editing and creation process. As an optimal alternative, the tables existing in any HTML template should be replaced with equivalent layer distribution by employing the div tag.