No more WOW copies in the US

Sep 7, 2005 15:19 GMT  ·  By

WOW has probably reached its limits. Blizzard has decided not to release any more copies of World of Warcraft because they can't guaranty their server stability. The only country affected by this is of course the United States, simply because this country has the highest number of players.

Blizzard has also a very important problem with the GameMaster. Because of the numbers of players and the continuous abuses, very strict rules were imposed that got the people banned for virtually nothing.

So far, the European servers appear to be unaffected, probably because they have learned from the mistakes in the US or because they have enforced better rules and because of the smaller number of player per server.

This problem with WOW raises another question. Is the internet ready for the massive development of MMOG (Massive Multiplayer Online Game)? Will we start to see more and more crashes with the multiplication of online gamers? Apparently Blizzard doesn't hold the answer to this question.

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