All resources are currently used to create quality for Infinite

Apr 28, 2012 06:35 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Irrational Games is focused on development of the upcoming BioShock: Infinite and will only start doing the hard work on the PlayStation Vita spin-off when the core game is finished and launched.

Ken Levine, who is the leader of Irrational Games and the man behind the BioShock concept, told Wired that, “These games really are all-consuming endeavors. You do want to keep the ball rolling but it is tough to give it your full attention before you finish what you have. But we’re getting there with Infinite. So yeah, we’re not as focused on the Vita game as we will be.”

The developer also said that he would have liked to have more time to actually produce something that gamers could see before talking about the BioShock project for the PlayStation Vita.

He added, “When they asked me to do that and at first I was like, ‘Well, I don’t really have a lot to talk about and the last thing I want to do is go out and make a bunch of promises.’ I tried to really downplay what I was presenting. I tried to manage people’s expectations of what the Vita game is going to be. Not because I think they’re going to be bad but because I’d rather not talk like a marketing person.”

It is not clear how farther along in the development process the Vita version of BioShock is and what kind of story it will tell.

With Uncharted: Golden Abyss Sony has proven that the Vita can handle high definitions graphics and complex third person action sequences, even if some elements, like the number of enemies, need to be toned down when compared to home consoles.

BioShock: Infinite will be launched on the PC, the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 at some point during October of this year.