Mar 30, 2011 09:30 GMT  ·  By

Google's Street View is a great tool for visiting faraway places around the world, or maybe just across the street. Strolling around a city is fun enough, but there is only so many parking lots and city buildings you can see before you lose interest. But there's more to Street View, you can check out plenty interesting and sometimes inaccessible locations with the site.

Google has just added some new historic locations to Street View, starting with the world-famous Colosseum in Rome. In fact, several locations around Rome have been added, but also in Florence, Italy and even in France.

"We’ve been busy pedaling the Street View trike around the nooks and crannies of storied sites in Europe, including palaces, monuments and castles, so you can explore them in Google Maps with Street View," Marco Zennaro, Senior Software Engineer at Google, writes.

"Starting today, you can view some of the most historic and architecturally significant landmarks in Italy and France, including UNESCO sites in Rome, the center of Florence and stunning chateaux in the French countryside," he announced.

"In addition to seeing the exterior of archaeological sites like the Imperial Forum and the Colosseum in Rome, you can now explore inside the Colosseum," he added.

The Colosseum is one of the most famous historic buildings in the world and for good reason, there's hardly a better symbol for Roman culture as a whole.

Until now, you could get a glimpse of the Colosseum from Street View, but from the outside, just as you would if you were passing by. Now you can dive right in and get an idea of might of Rome.

There are other locations in Rome that you can now visit, thanks to the Street View Trike, like the Palatine Hill or the Appian Way. If you're tired of ancient Rome, Google has also added imagery for other places in Italy and France.