For those of us who are a tad forgetful, “Mother” is the perfect companion

Jan 9, 2014 10:20 GMT  ·  By

Technology is capable of replacing many things these days. Why go to the store, when you have things delivered to you, why go out when you can have a chat with friends on Skype and so on. But will tech go as far as to replace our very mothers?

Apparently, there’s a company that’s aiming to do just that and this week at CES 2014 has placed on the display a device called “Mother” which is capable of tracking your habits and have a say when you fail to do something.

“Mother” is made up of little sensors called Cookies, which forgetful users can attach to things like medication containers, toothbrushes or backpacks, and set up to track if the items are being used correctly.

Every Cookie has an accelerometer inside, which is capable of discerning, for example, whether a certain object has been picked up and turned upside down (which obviously indicates you have taken your medicine).

The cookies scattered around and paired with objects around the house are wirelessly synced and all report back to the mother ship, which comes in the form of a smiling and kind-looking Russian doll.

According to the team developing “Mother,” they are giving off the “meaning of life” here, by offering a way of “connecting life, directly, simply, spontaneously.” Mother is a robotic type of Big Brother, who silently sits in the shadows, only to promptly remind you when it’s time to do the important stuff.

The applications for “Mother” are quite extensive and apart from being a little creepy, the system could prove to really improve lifestyle and bring about that piece of mind we are all craving for.

“Mother” is also capable of tracking temperature (for when your cat is sick) and geolocation (to make sure your kid goes straight to school).

The virtual “Mother” is supposed to arrive on the market in spring and the base station plus 4 Cookies will be sold for $222 / €163.