Owners spent $2 million (€1.47 million) to recreate the movie going experience at home

Oct 11, 2013 19:11 GMT  ·  By

Some of us are probably still watching movies on our laptops or, at best, on a large-screen TV with decent sound system, but one couple from Northern New Jersey is taking the idea of home movie-watching to whole new extremes.

Check out the video above to see on what they spent a whopping $2 million (€1.47 million): they pretty much recreated a theater in their basement, and are now the proud owners of the largest home theater in the world.

It’s also among the most expensive.

It comes complete with an old-school marquee, a foyer, and refreshments bar, and, of course, the actual theater, which alone cost about $600,000 (€442,249).

A great portion of that money was invested in a jaw-dropping sound system and a super screen that actually comes with the modern equivalent of the red curtain.

However, I imagine the owners also spent a pretty penny on the detailing on the roof, which includes “actual” silver, platinum and gold leaves. Because why not.
