Video shows pet getting a different kind of massage, enjoying it a lot

May 17, 2012 15:06 GMT  ·  By

If you ever had pets, be they dogs or cats, chances are you know how they react whenever you take out the vacuum to do some cleaning around the house. Hint: it can get pretty nasty.

This doesn't apply to the apparently overweight cat in the video above, which constitutes the object of our new “viral of the day” post.

“My cat loves getting attacked with the vacuum cleaner,” the uploader slash cat owner writes in the description of the video.

That's a bit of an understatement: the cat doesn't just love being vacuumed: the cat adores it.

Of course, commenters online point out, part of the reason it's not running away or causing a ruckus could be that it's so fat.

We'll let you be the judge of that.