Owner builds giant tower / maze for cat out of cardboard boxes

Sep 12, 2012 19:01 GMT  ·  By

Some of us would go to extreme lengths to know that our pets are happy and the same goes for this particular cat owner, Billy Browne. He found the perfect way to get Rufus the cat to forgive him.

Because Billy thought that Rufus might be holding a grudge against him for always making him go through the painful experience of having eardrops put in, he came up with just the thing to keep the cat happy.

“Now the ears are better I wanted to do something to show my gratitude for his putting up with my torture. Rufus loves boxes as all cats do so this is what I made for him,” Billy writes in the video description on YouTube.

He describes it as a “Rufus tower,” a huge construction / maze built entirely out of cardboard boxes, which should keep Rufus occupied for most of the day.

Billy also notes that the music for the video was supplied by his brother’s band. It’s “Parallel Lions” and, indeed, it’s the perfect companion for the video.