Fan makes compilation of actor’s catchphrase

May 12, 2015 15:16 GMT  ·  By
Supercut confirms to fans that, indeed, Owen Wilson says Wow a lot in his movies
   Supercut confirms to fans that, indeed, Owen Wilson says Wow a lot in his movies

Most actors have either a catchphrase or a gesture that they make in all their movies , which makes them instantly recognizable even when they’re hidden under layers of makeup and prosthetics. For Owen Wilson, that’s saying “Wow!.” A lot, as it turns out.

A fan going by the name of Owenergy Studios pulled all of the instances in which Owen Wilson says “Wow!” in his movies, except for the animation / voice work, and compiled a 2.30-minute video of nothing else but that.

They deserve credit for the attention to detail and dedication needed in making this video. Their work might not change humanity for the better, but it sure made my day brighter for making me smile.

There is not much context offered for each scene, but then again, it’s not like you need it to understand what’s going on or to appreciate that, indeed, Owen’s on-screen characters often find themselves in such a state of amazement and awe that “Wow” is the only thing that comes to their mind.  

To end this on a very high note, the compilation wraps up with a scene from “Wedding Crashers” from 2005, with Owen’s character uttering what could very well become a classic line: “Oh man, I feel like wow!”

After watching this video, so do I, Owen Wilson, so do I. Enjoy, I daresay.