“From the director who apparently gets a lifetime pass”

Apr 2, 2015 12:15 GMT  ·  By
Honest Trailer for “Interstellar” compares it to a M. Night Shyamalan movie
   Honest Trailer for “Interstellar” compares it to a M. Night Shyamalan movie

Christopher Nolan’s ninth and most recent film, “Interstellar,” was last year’s highest grossing original film. It was praised by fans as Nolan’s best work, and by critics as his most admirable effort, and was passionately trashed by those who did not care for it.

In reality, like all Nolan films, “Interstellar” is considerably flawed. Not even Nolan’s most loyal fans can say that it’s a “perfect” film or the closest thing to one.

The newest Honest Trailer from Screen Junkies illustrates that perfectly, with the kind of humor we’ve come to expect from the series. Yes, “Interstellar” was huge and visually stunning, but it was also lacking in many other aspects and had a confusing third act, to say the least.

According to Screen Junkies, Nolan “apparently gets a lifetime pass because he made ‘The Dark Knight,’” and that includes being allowed to make excessively long movies or attach to them a soundtrack that sounds “like Hans Zimmer fell asleep on his organ.”

The film’s biggest flaw, as per the same Honest Trailer, is that it goes “full blown Shyamalan” at the end. This is a reference to once-very popular director M. Night Shyamalan (“The Sixth Sense” and “Signs,” but also “The Village,” “The Happening” and “After Earth”), whose name became synonymous with movies with very disappointing third acts.

Check out the video below to see if you agree with what Screen Junkies have to say about “Interstellar.”