“Alternate ending” for Alfonso Cuaron’s space movie will undoubtedly amuse you

Apr 3, 2014 18:41 GMT  ·  By

Alfonso Cuaron built one heck of a movie with “Gravity,” and he did that around the concept that man in space is nothing but a leaf in a very terrifying wind. An “alternate ending” for it is now out, proving that, initially, Cuaron had another idea for his space blockbuster.

Of course, man can’t survive in space without his suit and everything else that comes with it. Not even George Clooney can survive in space, and that’s saying a lot. It hasn’t been proven yet, but I’d even go as far as to say that not even Chuck Norris would live for much longer if, like Sandra Bullock’s character, he became detached.

But Superman would (the original, Christopher Reeves one, not Henry Cavill). In fact, Superman might actually be the guy who could save the day and, in the process, make the entire, rather frightful adventure last much less than the 91 minutes of movie runtime.

However, studio bosses didn’t really appreciate this idea, Krishna Shenoi says in the description of the “alternate ending” video, which you also will find embedded below. So they made Cuaron cut Superman out, to give Sandra and George all the screentime.

The twist in the video doesn’t come until the end, so make sure you stick until then. I will say only this: Superman could have apologized at least.