New ad for Cumberland Farms’ iced coffee is awesome, almost unbelievable

Jul 10, 2013 08:41 GMT  ·  By

If you’re not from Germany, where he’s still a huge music idol, you might not know that David Hasselhoff once tried to get a music career off the ground. The video above should help you get an idea of what you’ve been missing out on.

The Hoff and Cumberland Farms teamed up one year ago, with the actor agreeing to endorse the store’s iced coffee.

With summer in full bloom, what better time to come out with a new ad for the product, one that should make you see why, when you’re thirsty, a Cumberland Farms iced coffee is just the thing to turn to.

The video, which includes hilarious green screen footage of The Hoff surfing, and generally “making love to the camera,” as the saying goes, also features music from the star.

I will give you a hint: the commercial isn’t called “Thirsty for Your Love” for nothing. Enjoy!