Sometimes, humans have no other choice but to oblige their feline masters

Jul 31, 2013 18:36 GMT  ·  By

If you’re a cat person, I’m sure you’ll love the video above. In fact, strike that: even though I wouldn’t exactly call myself a cat person, I still found it excessively cute.

As countless Internet memes would have you believe, humans never “own” cats because it’s the cat who chooses another human slave whenever it steps into a new house.

With this in mind, check out this brilliant compilation of cute cats demanding to be petted, scratched and kissed. If you still have doubts about who the real master is, it’ll probably do away with them.

As one commenter puts it, the one thing that all these cats featured in the video have in common is that moment when you can read their face going, “the hell hooman, y u stop?.”

Some cats are harsh / aggressive in their demand, some are cute and some feign shyness – the “I’m sorry to bother you but whatever you’re doing is not as important as my desire to be petted right now” type.

In the end, they all get their way.