The budding designer is finally stepping up her high fashion game

Jun 21, 2008 09:01 GMT  ·  By

Feisty former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham is finally ready to move on from designing expensive jeans and sunglasses to something a little more exclusive: the fashion-loving Posh has announced that she will be debuting her new fancy dress collection with a show during the New York Fashion Week. And it seems that Victoria is ready to take the plunge into the up-market sector of the fashion business, as she announced that the new "Posh frocks" would be nothing like the tacky costumes she sported for the Spice Girls' reunion tour.

"It will be something completely different from what I've ever done. I'm just putting it together at the moment, but they will be very upscale dresses and likely will start at around $1,200 retail. I'm going to be using very expensive fabrics and finishes, lots of embroideries," she revealed in an interview with WWD. Which means that Victoria really is putting a lot of effort into designing her new collection - and that she does have some truly spectacular designs in mind to justify the extravagant price tag.

The diminutive budding designer also explained that she's ultimately planning to expand her label and design shoes and bags in addition to expensive frocks, but that she's taking things one step at a time - for the very simple reason that she's a "control freak" and wants to make sure that every aspect of her upcoming collection is thoroughly dealt with. Plus, Victoria declared that she didn't want things moving too fast and getting out of her (very firm) hand.

The one thing Victoria admits she really hates is designing sportswear. "Sports and me don't really go hand-in-hand - other than with my husband," she stated, explaining that she wants to stay "true" to her inner fashionista and only design things that she would wear herself. Stay tuned for more news on Victoria's new dress collection.