As her rep insists she’s not a permanent Paula Abdul replacement

Aug 14, 2009 12:31 GMT  ·  By
Victoria Beckham returns as American Idol judge – seen here arriving for callbacks in Boston
   Victoria Beckham returns as American Idol judge – seen here arriving for callbacks in Boston

Despite reports to the contrary, it seems that producers of the Fox singing competition American Idol really did take kindly to former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham since she’s again present at callbacks in Boston. Apparently, Posh’s presence on the panel of judges will be more than just a one-time thing, Us Magazine reports.

Victoria appeared as a guest judge at the AI auditions in Denver, standing in for longtime judge Paula Abdul, who left the show a few days ago after a fallout with the network over financial issues, as reports would have it. Initially, word got out in the media that she tried so hard she actually made a mess of things and no one liked her, which was just one of the reasons producers did not want to call her back. As it turns out, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Posh made her latest appearance at the callbacks in Boston, where she was welcomed warmly by American Idol fans. By asking her to come back as guest judge, producers have shown that her first appearance was not even remotely close to disastrous as they said it was, while also sparking speculation of her becoming a fixture on the show as Paula Abdul’s replacement for the entire season. However, her rep is strongly denying these rumors. “There are no talks of her being a permanent judge. They felt she was natural in Denver. She has fashion week coming up and she is focusing on that.” the rep says.

The announcement that Victoria would stand in for Paula at the auditions was made last Friday, which left the former singer turned budding fashionista plenty of time to talk to the media about how she reacted when she got the call from Fox. Calling it the best job in the world, Mrs. Beckham said she couldn’t wait to have a direct confrontation with Simon Cowell in front of the cameras, adding she had been dreaming of doing that ever since he turned down the Spice Girls and told them they would never sell.

“When I got the phone call, I just couldn’t believe it. I feel like I got the best job that there is. I’m still grinning from ear to ear. I’m going to try hard to pout and not shatter the illusion that I’m a moody cow, but I don’t know if I can – I’m just so happy. I’m a spiritual person and I believe that you get back what you put out there, and I hope [Paula Abdul] does something that is bigger and better… There’s something great for her around the corner, I’m sure. She’s great so she’s going to be good at whatever she does.” Victoria was saying to Ryan Seacrest on KIIS FM a few days ago.