Caffeine in tea and coffee

Jan 19, 2006 15:34 GMT  ·  By

Before you rush to the cupboard and start preparing a strong coffee or tea, you should know that the test was done on rats.

To correct the erectile deficiencies, men have Viagra, Cialis and other remedies, but for women, such drugs don't exist. Anxious to find out how they could enhance the women's libido, a team of researchers has made a study called: "Coffee, Tea and Me: Moderate doses of caffeine affect sexual behavior in female rats", the first of its kind.

In order to check if the sexual appetite is influenced by caffeine, Fay Guarraci and Staci Benson administered moderate doses of caffeine to 108 female rats before they mated.

The results were surprising: caffeine shortened the amount of time it took the females to return to the males after receiving an ejaculation, suggesting that the females were more motivated to be with the male rats.

Fay Guarraci warns that although it's tempting to think that exposure to caffeine has the same effects on humans, there is on major difference. For the female rats, this was the first encounter with caffeine, while most humans consume a moderate dose on a daily basis.

"These rats had never had caffeine before. In humans, it might enhance the sexual experience only among people who are not habitual users", Fay Guarraci said.

On the other hand, this study might contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between the brain and behavior.

Understanding the circuits that control this behavior will help us understand how the brain works and what part of the brain mediates motivation because sexual behavior is a motivative behavior," the researcher added.