Anonymous hacktivists are determined to liberate Venezuela

Jan 30, 2014 15:51 GMT  ·  By

Venezuelan hackers of the Anonymous movement have breached and defaced the website of Netlima, an independent Peruvian online newspaper that provides news on everything that goes on in Lima, the capital city of Peru.

The site’s main page hasn’t been defaced. Instead, the attackers – HackerClaus Team and Anonymous Juventud – defaced the news and ads sections of

“Article 350 [of Venezuela’s constitution] has its own life, lives in our hearts, can lead us to freedom. Let's give it life and will liberate Venezuela,” the hackers wrote in a message posted on the defaced websites.

“In this country, there will never be a revolution without the evolution of consciousness,” they added.

They’ve also sent a message to the website’s programmer, saying that the attack is not personal, but a protest for the hackers’ country.

At the time of writing, the defacement pages are still online.