The famous painting is recreated in virtual reality and given life

Feb 11, 2012 10:25 GMT  ·  By

This may or may not be the first hint that, soon, the time will come when paint and brushes are no longer used for making pieces of art.

Petros Vrellis has released a video of what is and, at the same time, is not Vincent Van Gogh's famous painting “Starry Night”.

By using a large, Full HD touchscreen, the painting was transported into virtual space and then given the ability to react to human touch.

The project uses 80,000 particles to make the 30 fps Full HD (1,920 x 1,080 pixels) rendering of the masterpiece literally come to life.

The sky and stars move under your very eyes, the cypress tree can grow depending on how one's fingers glide across the panel.

We find the effects more than a little stunning and since words cannot really convey what we want in this case, we'll just let you see for yourselves in the video embedded above.