Unlockable medic weapons explained

Apr 16, 2008 07:30 GMT  ·  By

With some extra (and eagerly anticipated) content to be released for Team Fortress 2, it seems natural that Valve has decided to give us the final details regarding the new unlockable weapons for the medic (something that will hopefully convince more people to play this character since, as you probably know, the TF2 games kind of lack them).

Called "The Blutsaugher" and "The Ubersaw", these weapons will serve as replacements for the current syringe and bonesaw and will be available for players to earn them via a new achievement system (and equipped through a load out menu). The weapons have been fully detailed by Valve and are part of the massive overhaul planned for the game, which will introduce unlockable weapons for all classes, new items, maps and a new game mode.

According to Shacknews, the Blutsaugher will be available to players that earn 12 of the 36 new medic achievements and it will be like a new syringe gun. The Blutsaugher no longer has the ability to score critical hits against an opponent but it will draw health from enemies each time a syringe hits, which makes it very useful as a weapon to retreat away from the fight while staying alive.

The Ubersaw will be available for the medics that earn all the 36 new achievements and it will take damage done in melee attacks and convert it directly to ubercharge. Four hits with this new weapon will fully charge whatever medigun the medic has equpped. This one will probably work best with the already announced Overhealer, which permanently doubles the medic's health but lowers the ubercharge building.

So, as you can see, the two new weapons come with quite some new tactical possibilities, which I am sure will make the medic a more desirable character (at least for the achievements' sake). However, it's worth noting that plans regarding the third unlockable weapond (The Critzcrieg) remain unchanged and it will be available to those who earn 24 of the 36 achievements and it uses its ubercharge to give its recipient 100% chance to fire critical ordinance.