Sep 2, 2010 11:20 GMT  ·  By

Valve is set to announced three new surprising projects in the next 12 months with the leading executive of the company saying that fans will be surprised by the video game that are in development at the notoriously secretive developer.

Valve is a company of contrasts as it avoids talking about its projects before they are fairly well done and ready to be shown to players but at the same time it can created complex experiences like the first and second Left 4 Dead that launched just one year apart.

Gabe Newell, who is the current Chief Executive Officer at Valve and one of the co founders, has told PC Gamer that, “I can guarantee you people are going to be surprised at stuff we do. That isn't going to stop any time soon. I'm just laughing because... people will be shocked again.”

He added a clear number of surprises his company will be delivering saying, “We have three pretty big surprises in the next 12 months at least.”

Of course the big announcement that gamers are waiting on from Valve is the reveal that Half Life: Episode 3 is in development and will arrive in the next few years, concluding the saga of Gordon Freeman and his fight against alien forces.

At the moment Valve is working on Portal 2, a game which is set to arrive in February 2011, delivering more teleporting based action but with a lot more story and with more complex puzzles.

The title is also set to include cooperative play that features robots and will be arriving on the PlayStation 3 with full support for Steamworks, meaning that the company will be able to handle extra content delivery and possibly Trophies.

Valve could also be working on a new Team Fortress video game and one more original intellectual property.