The Survival mode is explained

Apr 17, 2009 07:00 GMT  ·  By

Left 4 Dead was one of last year's most popular titles, as it provided a great dose of entertainment to all players while enjoying one of the favorite pastime in a lot of video games, shooting zombies. But not only did it make for a great experience similar to a lot of horror B-movies, but it was also backed up by a solid multiplayer mode, which placed an emphasis on cooperation.

Now, Valve's survival shooter is gearing up to receive its first piece of DLC, in the form of the Survival Pack, that will arrive next week for PC and Xbox 360 users completely free of charge. It will open up the remaining two campaigns for play in the Versus mode, where teams of gamers take turns playing as either the survivors or the infected, and, most importantly, will offer a new game mode, dubbed Survival.

With just a couple of days before the DLC hits, Valve's Kerry Davis and Scott Dalton have revealed some interesting facts about the new mode on the Left 4 Dead official blog. They have informed of the fact that a lot of things needed to be taken into consideration, as players will essentially be trapped and faced with endless hordes of infected, which need to be taken out.

“Survival Mode pits your team against never ending waves of infected. Sounds simple. Just trap the survivors in a small part of a map, unleash the hordes, and record the longest time. Survival Mode, which will be released next week, is actually a bit more than that. Our goals for Survival Mode are to deliver a mode of play distinct from Campaign or Versus, have games that regularly last under ten minutes, and emphasize competition with team play through leaderboards.”

The two developers reveal that, due to the high pace of the upcoming mode, nothing will be easy. “Survival Mode draws on the planning and communication aspects of a successful Finale or Crescendo event, while taking it to another level. It rapidly hits a fever pitch that only a well coordinated team will be able to successfully survive. Everything from simply covering a reviving teammate, to making every shot count to minimize reloads becomes crucial in Survival Mode.”

Left 4 Dead was a great game because, thanks to the AI Director, it adjusted the difficulty while you were playing and offered a dynamic experience each time you went through one of the campaigns, either in single- or multiplayer mode. Hopefully, this new mode will give players even more reasons to start shooting zombies in Left 4 Dead.