Fast and eco-friendly

Nov 15, 2005 16:07 GMT  ·  By

As stated in recent news, Sun announced the introduction of the UltraSparc T1, the world's first high-performance, energy efficient processor. Using patented CoolThreads multi-threading technology that leverages the threaded nature of Solaris 10, the chip is the world's first Eco-responsible processor. Research shows that UltraSPARC T1 processor performance could lower the number of Web servers in the world by half, cutting power requirements and having the same effect in reducing carbon dioxide emissions as planting one million acres of trees.

The impact on our environment is real: If half of the entry servers sold in the last three years were replaced with UltraSPARC T1 processors, over 11 million tons of CO2 emissions, or the equivalent of that emitted by about 1,000,000 SUVs, would be cut off each year.

With rising global gas and energy prices, the problem of energy consumption in today's datacenters is both economic and environmental: 80% of all datacenters are constrained by heat and power; hardware heat load density has more than quadrupled over the past five years; 40% need to upgrade their HVAC; over 50% of datacenters register above-average temperatures.