The game is scheduled to hit the shelves in 2007

Jul 25, 2006 08:58 GMT  ·  By

Developed by the Australian Auran studios, Unleash the Fury is a pure competitive action MMORPG placed within a fantasy setting. The game was undergoing three years of development with $12 million spent on it. Although the game is due to hit alpha version soon, it amazed a lot of people who attended this year's E3 presentation. As months passed, the devs started to give away details in interview coverages. Here's what Senior Designer Joseph Hewitt had to say to MMORPG.COM.

There are eight archetypes available, making use of the four basic schools of magic in either a melee or caster fashion. Skills will not be acquired by endless grinding for experience. Character advancement is possible through a series of promotion quests that unlock more of the archetype's abilities which, in turn, upgrade themselves with use. It is said these missions will involve player killing to a great extent, helping gamers reach the core of online play faster, in PvP. The most important feature of the game is the fast pace at which combat ensues. Using the benefits of the Epic's Unreal3 engine, you have complete control of your character's movements, with startling response times similar to the FPS genre. Developers balanced classes in such a way that personal aptitude should be a decisive factor in PvP encounters.

Several team modes will be implemented and so far we've heard word on Team Elimination, Bloodbath, Vortex and Fortress. The Vortex map will oppose two teams for domination in a capture of the flag scenario. Random spawn points across the map will be guarded by NPCs. Players must act as a team and return flags to their base, while keeping an eye out for enemy players. There are also other points of interest, like conquerable shrines that buff the team with beneficial spells. The developers wish to make this kind of action widely available and appealing to players, therefore keeping waiting times to a minimum, automatically pairing players by skill and keeping the game mode to a fixed duration.

Presenting the incarnation system, creating multiple alts will now become obsolete. Characters will be able to switch between incarnations at any time, using the avatar most suited for the situation. It's a good way to start building lower ranked incarnations for playing with friends new to the game. Customizing your character's appearance is said to again be available at later stages. Pretty much like a full cosmetic makeover, one can change the way they look and even unlock certain new models that are initially unavailable.

Unleash The Fury promises to take things one step further, improvising and adapting both new features and existing elements from games like World Of Warcraft or Guild Wars. So far their efforts have seen a great deal of recognition, including the MMORPG.COM award for the most surprising game at E3 2006. Yet the greatest asset of Unleash the Fury can't be expressed in words, since it lies in massive amounts of fun gameplay.