11 new organizations have signed partnerships with IBM

Nov 18, 2013 18:56 GMT  ·  By

IBM has signed cyber security partnerships with over 200 universities from all over the world. Last week, the company announced that 11 new organizations were prepared to benefit from the cyber security curriculum and programs launched by IBM’s Academic Initiative.

The list of new universities includes the Georgia Institute of Technology, San Jose State University, Southern Methodist University, Fordham University, the University of South Carolina, University of Texas at Dallas, and the Wroclaw University of Economics in Poland.

Technische Universität Darmstadt in Germany, Temasek Polytechnic in Singapore, Universidad Cenfotec in Costa Rica, and Universiti Kebangsaan in Malaysia have also joined IBM’s initiative.

“Developing security intelligence skills for the 21st century, including the ability to proactively predict, identify and react to potential threats has taken on a new priority in the digital age,” stated Marisa Viveros, VP of IBM’s Cybersecurity Innovation Program.

“Our security skills development programs are designed to address the most urgent areas of security and provide expertise and training to help clients cope with the dire skills shortage.”

IBM’s Cyber Security Innovation program provides course materials, tools, and technology, but also awards for faculty members who come up with proposals on how to incorporate IBM technology into their curriculum.

For instance, Fordham is working with IBM on a cyber security and information fusion course, while the Southern Methodist University is working with the company on enhancing the educational institution’s cyber security academic programs and research initiatives.

“As our planet becomes more interconnected though new technology like cloud computing and the proliferation of mobile devices, interdisciplinary education for cyber security is essential,” noted Dr. Mark Harris, assistant professor for the Integrated Information Technology Program at The University of South Carolina.

“This is a challenge that IBM is proactively addressing, largely by partnering with academic programs and encouraging higher levels of skill development to address these new world challenges.”