Ayyıldız Tim has breached and defaced several sites

Dec 10, 2013 07:34 GMT  ·  By

Turkish hackers of the group known as Ayyıldız Tim have breached several websites from all around the world. The most important of them is a site of the United Nations in Ethiopia (et.one.un.org).

More precisely, the et.one.un.org website is used for the “Delivering as One” reform. On the defaced website, the hackers threaten that they will start a virtual war against anyone that’s against their country and religion.

At the time of writing, the United Nations website is still defaced. A mirror of the defacement is available on zone-h.org.

According to HackRead, in addition to the UN website, the Turkish hackers have also targeted various websites from Italy, Brazil, Thailand, Vietnam, and a couple of government websites from Honduras.

Many of these websites are still defaced, while some of them have been taken offline.