Game will require second hand buyers to pay for multiplayer

Oct 4, 2011 07:57 GMT  ·  By

Video game publisher Sony and developer Naughty Dog have confirmed that the upcoming Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception will be using the PlayStation Network Pass program, which means that the game will be packed with a unique single use code that will allow buyers to activate the online functionality of the game.

The PSN Pass concept was first introduced with Resistance 3 earlier during the year and is an effort from Sony to make buying new copies of its high profile titles more attractive than just picking up a second hand copy.

Those who buy Resistance 3 and Uncharted 3 second hand will have to get a new online code from the PSN Store, for 10 dollars or 10 Euro, in order to be able to play the multiplayer side of those titles.

Juan Jimenez, who is the software manager working at the Spain division of Sony, has talked about the PSN Pass program and said that his company plans to increase its use of it in the near future in order to limit the impact of piracy near the launch dates of major titles.

The PSN Pass is similar to other industry initiatives that ask the player to pay for multiplayer if the game is not new.

Electronic Arts was the first to introduce a pass for its big name sports titles and the idea became popular with publishers, because it allowed them to get more revenue from sales of new copies of their games and created a secondary revenue stream for the passes themselves.

Naughty Dog has already said that it will add more importance to the multiplayer modes in Uncharted 3, both the cooperative and the competitive ones, with players able to enjoy more customization options and with more twists to the game modes.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception will be launched exclusively on the PlayStation 3 and will be available on November 1 in North America and one day later on European markets.